About Us

the “give me back my rights” coalition

“give me back my rights” is operating, in part, under a grant from aarp. “aarp supports the work of the coalition,” an aarp spokesperson announced, including filing amicus briefs.”

our coalition is unusual in its size and diversity, and is growing daily.

our objectives:

  • to raise consumer awareness about the dangers of binding mandatory arbitration.
  • to push for remedial legislation at both the state and federal levels.
  • to highlight companies that do not require binding mandatory arbitration clauses.

coalition founder

remar sutton, for the consumer task force for automotive issues

coalition coordinators

ed mierzwinski, for u.s. public interest research group

u.s. public interest research group (uspirg)
the state public interest research groups (pirgs) are leading consumer and environmental advocates that place a strong emphasis on fighting for privacy and against identity theft both in the states and through their national association, u.s. pirg.

national consumer law center (nclc)
the national consumer law center is the nation’s consumer law expert, helping consumers, their advocates, and public policy makers to use powerful and complex consumer laws to assure justice for vulnerable, low income americans.

national association of consumer advocates (naca)
naca is a non-profit association of attorneys and consumer advocates committed to representing customers’ interests. our members are private and public sector attorneys, legal services attorneys, law professors and law students whose primary focus is the protection and representation of consumers.